Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Childhood Obesity: A Problem in Low Income Families Essay

There are multiple reasons why low income families have children on the verge of obesity. Children with two working parents or with a single parent have limited access to healthy home cooked meals. Parent’s working odd hours in low paying jobs and unable to find the time to cook home cooked meals means children in those low income families are either eating prepackaged meals or eating take out far too often which is unhealthy. The affordability and the accessibility of nutritional foods from grocery stores and unhealthy inexpensive foods from fast food restaurants is just a few examples of why child obesity in low income families is on a rise. Childhood obesity can lead to lifelong eating and health problems. There is also a problem with the lack of physical actives in low income neighborhoods as children often don’t have places to exercise. The epidemic that is childhood obesity in America but especially in low income neighborhoods are a fact that cannot be ignored and must be addressed before these children are effected form lifelong implications. Obesity in children is defined as a Body Mass Index at or above the 95th percentile for children of the same age and sex according to a chart put out by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention (2011) calculates Body Mass Index using a child’s weight, height, and age. This is different than calculating a Body Mass Index for adults as age does not matter for adults, only the height and weight. There are many reasons and combinations of reasons why children become obese. Genetics can play a role but childhood obesity is generally caused by a lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns resulting in excess energy intake, or a combination of the two. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Resource). Much of childhood obesity can be prevented and those who already suffer from obesity can make changes to lose weight and be healthy. It is important for at risk children and their parents to understand the severity of the topic of childhood obesity. There are great health risks for those children suffering from obesity.  Let’s Move is a government program launched by the first lady, Michelle Obama, as a part of the t ask force for childhood obesity President Obama had created as talked about on the Let’s Move website. On their site there is a list of health issues associated with childhood obesity. Research shows children who are obese can develop heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, plus joint problems and back pain from the strain on the body carrying extra weight. There is also mental health to consider for obese children. Depression and social issues are often found in children suffering from obesity (Let’s Move). With rising health care costs, the health issues that children can develop due to childhood obesity can hurt the financial position of the already low income and financially hurting families in America. With the invention of video games, computers, the internet, and television viewing on a rise, it’s no wonder why, President Obama stated on the White House website â€Å"Nearly one third of children in America are overweight or obese — a rate that has tripled in adolescents and more than doubled in younger children since 1980.† This is why c hildhood obesity is a serious issue that needs to be considered by parents, doctors and teachers. With children being left at home alone after school due to parents having to work multiple low paying jobs in low income neighborhoods, children are not told what not to eat and are not getting exercise. The internet being such an intergraded part of today’s life children are often spending much of their free time on the computer rather than playing outside with friends. The lack of exercise is a huge reason why children now are more obese than in previous generations. From data found in Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year Olds by Henry J. Kaiser Foundation (January 2010) It is said that children are spending approximately 7.5 hours using entertainment media, 4.5 hours watching TV, 1.5 hours on the computer, and over an hour playing video games daily. This is partly because older children are often home alone after school while their parents are working. The fact that many children are either left alone while parents work or are left in childcare makes it difficult for parents to regulate what a child is eating. â€Å"Sixty-nine percent of children under age 5 with low-income working mothers are cared for regularly by someone other a parent. Thirty-nine percent of these children are in care for at least 35 hours a week.† (The Urban Institute ). This means that children are not being monitored by parents  about what they eat and how much they ate during the day. The number of obese children in low income families in America is on a rise, 1 of 7 low-income, preschool-aged children is obese according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2011). According to the Clinton Foundation â€Å"nearly 25 million children are overweight or obese.† Also they report that in a study of 200 neighborhoods, there were three times as many supermarkets in wealthy neighborhoods as in poor neighborhoods leaving fast food restaurants as the most convenient meal options for low income families. Children from low income families are far more likely to suffer from childhood obesity due to the lack of supermarkets available, due to the affordability of nutritious foods, due to the lack of government funding for assistance programs, along with many other factors. Many organizations have done research on the subject of childhood obesity in low income families. Some sources have found connections between things like the number of grocery stores in comparison to convenient stores and fast food places in low income neighborhoods. For example the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2011) say that according to their research â€Å"Supermarket access is associated with a reduced risk for obesity.† Convenient store won’t offer variety and healthy fresh foods to those families that live in low income neighborhoods. It is easy to see how there can be a link between childhood obesity and the limited access to grocery stores. Fresh fruits and vegetables are crucial par t of eating healthy and losing weight. When low income families are unable to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables due to not having stores that would supply them, there is a risk of obesity due to the lack of options. â€Å"Those with annual household income less than $24,000 reported problems accessing affordable fresh fruits and vegetables 2.5 times as frequently than those with incomes between $60,000 and $89,999 (13.8 percent vs. 5.7 percent)† (Food Research and Action Center, 2010). The Journal of the American Medical Association says â€Å"Among older non-Hispanic white children, children in families with low income were significantly more likely to be overweight than children in families with high income.† as a result to one of their many studies on childhood obesity. Though obesity rates are often talked about in the news both on TV or online, not much is offered to assist the prevention of obesity or how to effectively live healthier to and lose weight in a healthy way. There are solutions out there  and many ways to get the information needed to prevent obesity. Many organizations created to get the information to the public by the internet but it is important for this information to be available to all as not everyone has the ability get the internet. This leaves people most at risk, low income families, without the information on how to live healthier lives. Educating parents on how to feed their families healthy food are one way to prevent childhood obesity and change the eating habits of children already suffering from obesity. Also, making sure children stay active, burning calories by playing sports or riding bicycles, or general exercise routines can lower a child’s risk of obesity. Low income families may not be able to afford to enroll their children in sports. The general public needs to get involved by donating money and volunteering time for after school programs that offer children an alternative from sitting at home in front of the television eating junk food. More free after school programs in poverty stricken areas in the United States would lower the number of obese children in this country. If the general public only knew how little of their time and money is need to fund and support these after school actives that make such a huge impact on children and how it would fight a health condition like childhood obesity more people would donate and volunteer. The biggest problem in ending childhood obesity is to get more information to families on how to live healthier and eat healthier. Organizations that already deal with low income families need to offer more information such an idea of what kind of physical activities are needed to be healthy and how often to do them. Also, sample menus with easy, low cost recipes so low income families now how to save money and while still eating right However, this assistance should not stop at helping low income families as childhood obesity is not only an issue for low income families. There needs to be organizations that get involved in schools systems to give all different level of income families the information needed to live healthy and feed their family good choices. The United States Department of Agriculture has created a site called Choose My Plate (2011) which provides sample menus, nutritional facts, ways to manage your weight including different trackers to track weight loss progress, and a whole section of physical activities. There is an abundance of information that parents can use to map out meals, plan activities, and help their children lose weight to prevent obesity and help  those children already suffering from obesity. As the site states to parents â€Å"You are your children’s most important role model. Your children pay attention to what you do more than what you say.† Parents are the most critical factor in childhood obesity. It is up to the parents to create healthy food for their children. Parents who don’t eat healthy themselves are setting bad examples to their children. Much of childhood obesity can end if parents change the way their whole family eats. For low income families that may not be able to always buy healthy foods, there needs to be government assistance to help those who are in need. Both federal and local governments need to implement more programs to low income families. â€Å"Only 5 percent of all low-income families with a full-time, full-year worker receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits.† (The Urban Institute). That needs to change as the cost of food has gone up which means those families that are low income but are trying to do better are those that are suffering the most. More of the government’s money must be put into programs that help feed low income families to prevent such health problems as childhood obesity. President Obama has created a task force on childhood obesity with the First Lady heading a public awareness program outlined on the White House’s website. On the White House’s website the President says â€Å"Such strategies include updating child nutrition policies in a way that addresses the best available scientific information, ensuring access to healthy, affordable food in schools and communities, as well as increasing physical activity and empowering parents and caregivers with the information and tools they need to make good choices for themselves and their families.† President Obama’s says on the website that his plan is â€Å"†¦ to solve the problem of childhood obesity within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight†. With the cooperation with local government the President’s plan could possibly be successful. There is also another way for the government to step in to end obesity. Some states have already developed laws where there are higher taxes on unhealthy foods. â€Å"Forty states already have small taxes on sugared beverages and snack foo ds, but in the past year, Maine and New York have proposed large taxes on sugared beverages, and similar discussions have begun in other states.† (Brownell, Frieden, 2009). This would be a good solution for those in higher income levels and if government assistance is helping the lower income  levels it prevents them falling into old habits of buying the unhealthy foods. With the combination of assistance for low income families and higher taxes on the unhealthy foods, the rate of childhood obesity might drop. With the findings through these government sites and organizations, the result is clear that children from low income families tend to suffer from childhood obesity more than those children from a high income house hold. This research proves the link between income level and obesity in children. Many families are unable to have home cooked meals either because of time limitations or the affordability and access to healthy food. Many families will eat off the dollar menu at McDonalds as it is cheaper than buying food at the grocery store. Fast food places offer meals with toys to attract children as well. Children in low income neighborhoods often don’t have access to healthy foods like fresh produce. There are also few places for recreation for children in low income neighborhoods. Those children can miss out on physical activities that would burn calories preventing obesity. People should be more aware of this issue that Americans, especially the children face. This means addressing the issue of cost of fast food, especially the more unhealthy choices at fast food restaurants, and the grams of fat in these foods. The facts show that children from low income families have fewer choices for healthy food due to the high cost of fresh food in comparison to the affordability of fast food which contributes to child obesity. References American Medical Association. (2001,October). Low Family Income and Food Insufficiency in Relation to Overweight in US Children. The Journal of the American Medical Association. Retrieved from Brownell K.D., Frieden T.R.(2009). Ounces of prevention—the public policy case for taxes on sugared beverages. New England Journal of Medicine. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011, April). A Growing Problem. Overweight and Obesity. Retrived from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011, April). Basics About Childhood Obesity. Overweight and Obesity. Retrived from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011, April). Data and Statistics: Obesity rates among all children in the United States. Overweight and Obesity. Retrived from Food Research and Action Center. (2010) Food Access & Affordability. Retrived from Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2005, March 9). Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-olds – Report. Retrieved from Lets Move! (n.d.). Health Problems and Childhood Obesity. America’s Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids. Retrieved from The Urban Institute. (2005, August). Low Income Working Families: Facts and Figures. Retrieved from United St ates Department of Agriculture Choose My Plate. (2011). Dietary Guidelines Consumer Brochure. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources/Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. (n.d.).Childhood Obesity. Retrieved from William J. Clinton Foundation. (n.d.). Facts About Childhood Obesity. Fighting Childhood Obesity: Alliance For A Healthier Generation. Retrived from White House. (2010, February 09) Presidential Memorandum — Establishing a Task Force on Childhood Obesity. Retrieved from.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Boeing 737

PRANSAC ASSIGNMENT 1 ‘Using the B737 as an aircraft type, you are required to research on the inventions and Innovations that have made this particular aircraft impact the development of Commercial airplane. ’ Boeing 737 Introduction A. Aircraft The Boeing B737 is a short to medium wide range narrow body twin-engine body jet airliner. Originally designed in 1964, initially had its first maiden voyage in 1967 and joined into professional service in 1968. B. Company Boeing had been the number one professional plane company.This company controls 60% of a competitive commercial market and its professional aircraft goods and services account for more than 70% of Boeing's income. Boeing's products symbolize a complete family of jetliners in the variety of travellers and freight adjustments and wide ranging abilities. The B737 has developed different series such as B737 Original, B737 Classic, B737 New Generation, and the newest series 737 MAX. The Boeing 737 is the best-sellin g jetliner in aviation history. A. Idea In 1958 Boeing had a design research for â€Å"A twin engine feeder airliner to complete the family of Boeing passenger jets†.In Feb 1965 the first purchase was placed and the project went ahead. The 737 has since become the best-selling professional planes in planes record with more than 5,900 purchases from 225 clients so far. < Chris Brady. 1999. > B. Design Boeing wanted to design a real short-haul jet to compete with its competitors like the Caravelle, BAC One-Eleven & DC-9. However they are way behind them. The DC-9 was about to fly, the One-Eleven was well into its flight test program and the Caravelle had been in service for 5 years.They had some catching up to do. Designers Joseph Sutter and Jack Steiner began work on the 737 in November 1964. The original 1964 specification was for a capacity of about 60-85 passengers, an economical operating range of between 100 and 1000 miles and to be able to stay equal at a 35% load factor . As a result of final design talks with launch customer Lufthansa the capacity was increased to 100, but the range and load factor figures still remains the same. < Chris Brady. 1999. > Invention/Innovation of the aircraft A. Placing the Engines i.Wing Mounted Engines The wing mounted engines provided the key benefits of decreased interference drag, a better C of G position, less noisy cabin, more useful cabin space at the back, front & aft side doors, easier access to engines for servicing and required less pipework for fuel & bleed. The bodyweight of the engine also provides twisting comfort from the rise of the wings. Apparently this benefit was over-estimated and a set of wings were unsuccessful in static tests at 95% of max load so the side had to be remodelled. ii. DisadvantageThe disadvantage of wing-mounted engines was that the size of the fin had to be increased for engine-out operation over centerline thrust aircraft. Also, due to the reduced ground clearance, the engines had to be almost an essential part of the wing, which in turn using a short chord. The engines extended both forward and aft of the wing to reduce aerodynamic interference and straighter top line of the nacelle formed a streamline flow over the wing to further reduce drag. iii. Advantage Overall, the wing-mounted layout had a weight saving of 700Kgs over the equivalent â€Å"T-tail† design and had performance advantages. v. Thrust Reversers Thrust reversers were taken from B727 were found to be inefficient when used by the B737. Therefore B737’s thrust reversers were greatly improved, allowing the aircraft to land on shorter airstrips. B. Type Of engine The CFM56-3B-1 turbofan engine was chosen to power the aircraft, which yielded significant gains in fuel economy and a reduction in noise, but also posed an engineering challenge given the low ground clearance of the 737 and the larger diameter of the engine over the original Pratt and Whitney engines which were used f or the earlier models such as the -100 and the -200.However, overtime noise became an issue and many users opted for an alternative engine. As a result, Boeing and engine supplier CMFI solved the problem by placing the engine ahead of the wing, and by moving engine accessories to the sides of the engine pod, giving the engine a distinctive non-circular air intake. C. Fuselage The B737’s fuselage was especially one of its best-selling points. Its cross-section had been taken from the B727. v. More Space, more passengers This made the B737 to hold 6 wide abreast seats, because this way it could take more passengers per load on board than its competitors.In the B737 Classic series and the B737 Next Generation Series, the fuselage was lengthened to fulfil the demand for space in the aircraft and also help Boeing sustain its competitiveness in the aviation industry. vi. Even More Space, more passengers In the B737 Original series, the fuselage was only able to contain a highest po ssible of 130 passengers in 737-200 while the B737 Classic series were improved and enhanced to provide for bigger and more economical aircraft. As such, the aircraft’s fuselage was prolonged to allow about 170 passengers on board. vii. B737 Next GenerationThe B737 Next Generation series had even more changes to its uses. In commercial flying, the airplane’s fuselage was prolonged to allow a highest possible of 215 passengers on board. The B737 Next Generation also had its own business jet, BBJ1 and BBJ2 series and military aircraft, C-40 and AEW&C, series. The BBJ was regularly used by personal jet entrepreneurs, and organizations, because of its small dimension and fuel efficiency. The military series of the B737 encompass the AEW&C that is used for monitoring and radar operations, and the C-40, P-8 Poseidon, which assisted in military operations.D. Wings Changes had been made to the wings and the flight controls of the B737. Many improvements result in greater perfo rmance of the aircraft by generating more lift, increase in fuel efficiency, and reduce drag while most importantly being more economical. i. Wings Extended The B737-100 and B737-200 created too much drag for the aircraft, making it very costly to fly. Thus, the front flaps of the wings were extended towards the fuselage, providing greater lift and shorten the distance for the aircraft required to take off. The wing’s leading edge and span were also extended.This is because when the leading edge is being extended, the upper camber will be pushed forward towards the leading edge and thus makes the air flow on the upper camber have a higher airspeed and as a result create more lift, due to the decrease in static pressure. ii. Composite Material The B737’s flight controls were mostly made of composite material instead of aluminium alloy to reduce the weight of the aircraft. To generate more lift and greater performance during cruising iii. Winglets Winglets were added fro m the B737-700 model onwards and the B737-300. Winglets reduce induced drag caused by the vortex on the wingtips. v. Fly-by-wire system control In the B737 MAX, it has integrated the new fly-by-wire system control to allow for more efficient performance of the aircraft. Fly-by-wire (FBW) is a system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface. The movements of flight controls are converted to electronic signals transmitted by wires. The fly-by-wire system also allows automatic signals sent by the aircraft's computers to perform functions without the pilot's input, as in systems that automatically help stabilize the aircraft. v. ConclusionThus the B737 is able to generate more lift and reduce drag on the aircraft. Therefore the B737 is able to move faster and increase on fuel efficiency, reducing cost and fuel. Allowing Boeing to have a greater advantage in the competitive Aviation Industry. Conclusion Over the years, Invention an d Innovation of the aircraft such as the fuselage, wing, engine, and nacelles, the B737 was able to have a sustainable growth. This allowed Boeing to stay ahead of its competitors. These results in having more Boeing planes chosen by airlines compared to other domestic carriers.Currently Boeing faces significant competition from their rival Airbus A320. While trying hard not to lose out, Boeing made improvements such as the new B737 Max series, which combines the use of more high-tech devices to help Boeing compete with the Airbus bus latest series, the A320 Neo. However the B737 MAX is only due in 2017 and it is in its last levels of examining. As such, this gives Boeing the time to enhance and completely improve the abilities of the B737 MAX to help improve on its durability later on improvements. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in 2017. References Chris Brady. History & Development of the Boeing 737. †Ã‚  History & Development of the Boeing 737. N. p. , Sept. 1999. Web. 2 7 June 2012. . â€Å"Fly by Wire. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 June 2012. Web. 28 June 2012. . â€Å"Boeing 737 – American Flyers. † Boeing 737 – American Flyers. N. p. , n. d. Web. 28 June 2012. . â€Å"Boeing 737RE. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 June 2012. Web. 28 June 2012. .

Monday, July 29, 2019

The role of computers in teaching and learning Essay

The role of computers in teaching and learning - Essay Example A teacher can use a white board also to demonstrate and enhance learning experience. Another fact is if a student writes while he is studying the concept gets stored in his mind in a better way. The concept author is trying to explain here is that designed instructional media can only help and support a teacher in his teaching. This can be further explained by the fact that things said by a teacher are better explained and understood when pictures are used to illustrate them using designed instructional media. The final point raised by the author here is, the designed instructional media’s effectiveness depends upon the teacher meaning that how well the teacher is using all these accessories to achieve his objective. To make sure that the computer and its peripherals are in a good working condition the best way is to check up everything. The first step would be to make sure that the computer is not situated in an isolated place and the place is not very hot. Computers should be placed in places where cross ventilation is good. A checkup should be made to make sure all the hardware devices are in good working condition every wire is correctly plugged in. The compatibility of devices is very necessary or other wise a computer can have software problems while running. It should be made sure that all the jumpers are connected in their proper sockets. Every time the computer runs it should be properly booted and a proper procedure for shutting it down should be followed. Technology has given every field in the world a boost or a step forward. The same case is for teaching and learning. Technology gives us major support in learning and teaching things. Computer has revolutionized the world since it came into being. Computer has gone through evolution itself and made the human race feel its presence as well. People have started relying on computers a great deal which can be seen everywhere.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Understanding business operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Understanding business operations - Essay Example per will examine current models of business operations by considering how these organizations might theoretically gain a competitive advantage by drawing on the examples of two organizations. One of the presented models will be based on an organization which is volume intensive and second will be based on a business model which is margin intensive. There is little question that technology is evolving rapidly, and the impact that these technological advances have on our modern economy can be profound. In this regard, organizations who have made every attempt to be constant and consistent innovators in technological development and application in their business models have reached an unparalleled success. Technological advances in such areas as supply chain, inventory management, distribution, and business monitoring has significantly affected the bottom line of a number of different businesses. For the purpose of this essay the first business model that will be examined is that of Wal-Mart and how the implementation of technology in their business organization has affected the way that we as consumers may have shifted our buying procedures. The format for this discussion is to give a brief background on Wal-Mart followed by a discussion as to how their innovation has helped make this organization the company it is today. There is little question that Wal-Mart is a truly global company which according to Reuters (2010) has operations in over fourteen nations with both retail and online sales in their portfolio. Wal-Mart has a focus on regular household items however the company has recently diversified into membership format retail operations as well as diversifying their product offerings to include groceries. One could theoretically define their product offerings to be in the traditional household retail sector. When questioned as to how Wal-Mart’s business model has affected the goods we buy and the choices available one must make an examination of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 23

Case study - Essay Example This is one major way that Personal Greetings Company exploits Gabriella. Both the companies pay them less than they think they deserve to make. Another way to tell their exploitation is from the fact that none of them, according to the case study, has ever been credited for his work. Brandon and Gabriela seem not to have received any credit (praise or just a simple thanks you) for their work from senior staffs like the managers. The last form of exploitation comes from the fact that both of them are being overworked and mistreated. This is another typical way Baxter and Personal Greetings Company take advantage of Brandon and Gabriella. Brandon, for instance, works 20 hours a week – very long shifts perhaps with few breaks) while Gabriela is forced to do many jobs. Gabriela is even treated unfairly by Personal Greetings. He is forced to strip his clothes to in the name of working. Brandon and Gabriella are two young people who clearly depict the typical scenario of exploitation in the society. Both of them are being exploited by the system in place; something that can only be explained by ideological hegemony theory. Ideological hegemony theorizes different way in which exploitation and domination are embedded within the dominant philosophies of society. Such dominant ideas have been internalized by the society and its people to the extended that the dominated and exploited give their consent to the relationships between them and the dominant group. Brandon and Gabriella seem to have given their consent to the relationship between them (the exploited) and their respective companies (the dominant group). Neither Brandon nor Gabriella is ready to accept that he is being exploited. Based on the problem identified in the case study, Antonio Gramsci’s theory of hegemony is one theory that can explain how the concept of power and ideology work in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Roxbury Manufacturing Company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Roxbury Manufacturing Company - Assignment Example Calculating the DOL for 2011 and 2012 to explain the 20% decline in profit from a 10% decline in sales; The DOL is calculated as follows; Degree of Leverage (DOL) = Contribution Margin/ Operating Income Assume that the first year is (2011); The DOL for 2011 = Contribution Margin/ Operating Income = [1,000, 000/500,000] = 2 In response to a 10% decline in sales, the operating income (profit) will decline by; 2*10% = 20% in 2011. Assume that the first year is (2012); The DOL for 2012 = Contribution Margin/ Operating Income = [900,000/ 400,000] = 2.25 In response to a 10% decline in sales, the operating income (profit) will decline by; 2.25*10% = 22.5% in 2012. Now, assuming the following changes happen; - Sales decline again by 10% The sales for the year 2013 would be; [90/100*$ 3,600,000] = $ 3,240,000 - By cutting wastage, costs can be reduced by $120,000 The variable expenses for the year 2013 would be; [$ 2,700,000 - $120,000] = $2,580,000 The Revised Income Statement, if the above changes are made will appear as shown below:

Article on How God got Started Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article on How God got Started - Essay Example According to Wells, the whole incident regarding God’s instruction to Abraham to sacrifice his son was a test of the latter’s faith. Hence faith, according to Wells was a Jewish invention, which later on branched in Christianity and Islam. And while all of this was happening, science and logic were advancing at an alarming rate with the ancient Greeks at the helm of the onslaught. He adds that pure reason and logic have always collided with the concept of pure, blind faith despite the attempts of scholars to â€Å"‘reconcile’ them through the ages,† he says. So it is established, he points out, that faith and reason do not get along very well together. Moving on, he notes that surprisingly enough, the evolution and progress of faith can be charted in the rise of reason itself. He says that this theory gives psychological insights into the clash of faith with reason and vice versa. Even though faith is attributed to monotheistic religions, polytheisti c religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism also use this term to define their beliefs.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Comparison and contrast between lasagna and a pizza Essay

Comparison and contrast between lasagna and a pizza - Essay Example Lasagna and pizza are two of the most popular foods made traditionally in oven. While there are other ways to make both lasagna and pizza that obviate the use of oven, yet the best results are achieved only with the use of oven. Although they are lasagna has many layers while pizza has only one layer unless there is a special kind of pizza. Layers of lasagna are repetitive. The basic form of lasagna has tomato sauce at the base of the dish over which lasagna strips are laid. They serve as a bed for the meat over which white sauce is drizzled. These layers are repeated till almost the top of the dish is reached. Lastly, grated cheese is laid on the top. On the other hand, a pizza is not made with such repetitive layers of ingredients. In the case of a pizza, there is a base that is known as crust. The sauce is poured over the base, and different sorts of toppings are laid over it. Like lasagna, a pizza is also topped with cheese. The purpose of cheese on the top both in the case of a lasagna and a pizza is to develop a thick and crunchy crust after the dish is grilled. The fundamental element that differentiates between lasagna and pizza is the basic white flour bread. The thickness of that base, its texture, and taste greatly differs when the two dishes are compared. While lasagna strips are only few millimeters in thickness i.e. normally 5 mm each, pizza crust is anywhere from 1 to 2 cm. The thickness of lasagna strips is mostly standard and varies only by 1 or 2 mm., there exists a great variety of thicknesses of pizza crust e.g. there are thin-crust pizzas and thick-crust pizzas. Most people use factory made lasagna strips because the machine used in making that uniform thickness is not used in most homes. In contrast to that, most people make pizza crusts at home by kneading white flour with yeast. Lasagne strips and pizza base also differ in that lasagna strips are cooked once they are boiled before the dish is placed in the oven whereas pizza crust is raw outside and only gets baked once the pizza has been placed inside the oven. On one hand , lasagne strips are like compact sheets of white flour and have no pores in them. On the other hand, pizza

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How to achive sustainable concrete Dissertation

How to achive sustainable concrete - Dissertation Example Therefore, all human activities should be sustainable such that they ensure correct use of the resources available (without waste) as well as ensuring that the environment is conserved. One such activity that should be sustainable in nature is the production and use of concrete. Concrete has been one of the most important materials in the construction and infrastructure industry for more than 2000 years now (Cement Association of Canada 2004). It has also been considered as an environmental friendly material (Cement Association of Canada 2004). In addition, structures made of concrete are normally durable, dependable and their performance in terms of are usually superior (Cement Association of Canada 2004). The question that now arises is how sustainable concrete is. As compared to steel and aluminium, concrete structures are flexible in design, affordability and environmental friendliness (Cement Association of Canada 2004). ... The research also aims at identifying how certain components of concrete such as cement and aggregate are not sustainable and suggesting ways of making them sustainable. The research will also discuss how these components of concentrate can be made sustainable. 3. PROBLEM STATEMENT Just as earlier mentioned, concrete has been used for construction material since time in memorial, and is considered as one of the most sustainable construction raw materials. It is however, noted that even though it is sustainable some of its aspects such as production of one of its major components, cement, is questionable. Therefore, what is a sustanaible development or product? 3.1 Sustainability In general, sustainability can be taken to mean supporting or keeping a process going. Therefore, the main aim of ensuring that projects, products and processes sustainable is to ensure that all the lives in our plat earth are sustained for a future that is foreseeable. Sustainability is consists of three com ponents; society, environment and economy. Therefore, a sustainable project, process or product must ensure that all the three components of sustainability (society, environment and economy) are maintained balanced and healthy at all times (both now and in future). 3.1.1 Evironmental sustainability It is the destruction of the environment that is driving the world towards adoption of sustainable ways of doing things. Our environment has been deteriorated countless times by countless causes such that the quality of life in the planet both now and in future is questionable. For example, environmental degradation has been blamed for poor health of planet earth and the constant decline of biodiversity. This is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Passion and Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Passion and Success - Essay Example My personal passion is for my skills as a leader. Being in charge and leading a group of people, is when I come alive, and become inflamed with passion for what I am doing. One of my first-hand experiences as to what success can happen when passion paves the road was when I started the International Business Club at school a year ago. Here my leadership passion was envisioned in a club, which I would get to lead. At first, my progress with the club was going along slowly, and I was finding many problems and roadblocks on my path to success. I had piles of paperwork I had to do as leader of the club, and all throughout the first semester, my attendance numbers were low and unstable. Also, I have to work by myself to plan many of the club's activities and events. But my dream and passion kept me going, and I had hope that the club would improve. Eventually, things did start to improve. The numbers in the club grew, and the officers and members started working together in harmony. All t he events and activities I had planned turned out to be a huge success, showing that with hard work and passion you truly can go a long way.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Learning Strategies Essay Example for Free

Learning Strategies Essay In the poem â€Å"Students† by Tom Wayman, it reviews four theories with context on different learning methods. The first theory is the Vaccination Theory of Education†, detailing how once you have learned a subject, you never have to review or touch on the topic again for it is lodged in ones brain for all eternity. However, such a learning technique seems foolish because as time goes on, materials tend to fade in ones brain unless occasionally reviewed. With this in mind, material previously learned would venture from one’s memory and would leave them lacking of knowledge on the subject. For the best learning, many people including myself would prefer the knowledge once learned to be forever held by the beholder, to use in future situations. The next theory is â€Å"The Dipstick Theory of Education. † This theory relates learning to that of a car engine; only needing oil to a certain line, therefore only needing to learn to a certain degree. This again seems unrealistic to the many dreamers out there, who are constantly trying to extend the limits, the ones who do not want to be blocked by barricades. Countless material is available for the public’s access, which means the learning a person can achieve is limitless. This theory seems adequate for those individuals who only want to get by in life. However, the majority of the population who want to succeed and be proud of their success are going to want to stray away from this theory, for it will only prevent you from following the path you truly want to go down. The â€Å"Adopt the Kung Fu Theory of Education†, is the theory that follows next in the poem. It reviews the idea that one can use knowledge as a self defense mechanism. This theory makes complete sense to me. How else would a person be able to back up their statements, ideas and opinions better, than with knowledge? Not only does the knowledge help in that area, it can help a person grasp a better understanding of the world around them, as well as it can improve their common sense. Use knowledge as a supporter, to smooth the bumps in the road before you, so you can travel on a trouble free path. The last theory is â€Å"The Easy Listening Theory of Learning. † It proposes that if a person sits back and observes their environment, they can achieve optimal learning. This type of learning seems only achievable for those who learn best through visual or auditory aids; in settings where they learn most efficiently by viewing or hearing material. However, for those individuals who learn best through hands on tasks, â€Å"The Easy Listening Theory of Learning†, would not be in their favor. It would put them at a disadvantage, and make them fall behind the rest. This theory does not accommodate everyone with learning in the same fashion; therefore, it cannot be used as a universal learning technique for optimal learning in everyone. My own theory however, differs greatly from any of the learning theories displayed in the poem â€Å"Students. † My theory to insure my learning exceeds my own goals is I put in a maximum effort. The goals I set myself are extremely high and almost seem unrealistic. Nonetheless, this is what give me the motivation and strive I need to put in a great deal of effort. Postponing undesirable activities is what I seem to be a natural at, cramming to get them completed when time is limited. It is in that rushed state that I feel my mind works most efficiently. However, we all know this is a poor work method and that is why I set such high goals to make it seem unrealistic. By doing that, I insure I start the activity at a sooner time because it feels as if I have more to complete than actually necessary. That way, I can keep my eye on the target at all times because it makes me feel as if I have much work to do to achieve it still. In reference to this course, the date I began was much later than any applicants should have started. By doing that, it has given me very limited time to get this course completed. It is now that I can truly test out my theory for all that it is worth, because it is now that I feel the completed course expectations are very unrealistic based on the vast material I have to cover by a certain date. However, I plan to be vigilant to get through this course so I can walk the graduation stage at the end of the year. When that dream of mine comes true based on my goals of completing this course, it is then that my theory has once again proved me right in its successfulness.

The first organisation I collected two documents from was Vodafone Essay Example for Free

The first organisation I collected two documents from was Vodafone Essay 1. INTRODUCTION This report was specially made to describe, compare and evaluate two different standard business documents from three different organisations, a total of six documents. I was asked for the first unit to gather these documents, to clearly and accurately explain their purpose and to identify the common elements of similar documents for example: use of boxes, headings, gaps between headings and logos etc. I was also asked to compare the documents and accurately evaluate the god and bad points about writing and presentation styles (formal/informal, blocked or indented style, method of emphasis such as underlining, italics and bold writing. It is also important for me to comment on their suitability for purpose and to suggest how they could be improved. I will then produce an in depth report which enabled me to show effective skills in the appropriate use of software facilities to automatic aspects of my document production, such as bullet and numbering, paragraph and heading styles and standardised layout. 2. Organisation One: Vodafone The first organisation I collected two documents from was Vodafone. The documents I collected were a letter from Vodafone and a leaflet of Vodafone top up. 2.1 Vodafone Letter The purpose of this document is to inform customers of Vodafone PLC about the latest polyphonic ring tones available. The layout of the letter is A5 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The document has a Wide screen television visual out the outer parts of the letter with a man snow boarding in some snowy mountains and then under this it states Starring below this it states the name of person it has been addressed to. On the second side the following information is displayed: The right hand side a line has been drawn to separate the actual content with the address of where it is purposed to go, a postage paid sign in the top right hand corner and diagonally in small text an address the document should be sent to if it is undelivered. On the left hand side the text is laid out like a letter using paragraphs and clear headings above the paragraphs. There is also a flow chart diagram of what to do if the receiver of the letter would like to purchase ring tones or pictures via the internet. Below this a line has been drawn and in smaller text it states the terms conditions of purchasing ring tones and that downloading ma restricted in some countries. This document is similar to the other letters as it is notifying it customers the products and services available to its customers. The documents have all used paragraphs to make the document easier to reader. The good points that about this document is that its initial headings have been typed in bold colour red and that the information given in the letter has been shown in either a paragraph or a flow chart diagram with links to the next step with a writing style that is clear to read. As the diagram has been made efficient with the use of arrows appropriate boxes and pictures. The bad points about this document are that the whole document should be changed as the actual information that has to be notified to the customer is not clearly emphasised as the address column has taken up too much space foe what is actually needed and also that the address could have been printed on the other side where the big picture is printed. The method that this letter has been distributed for is not good, and the product that the company is trying to sell has not been emphasised enough. I think this document is not suitable for its purpose. 2.2 Vodafone Top up Leaflet The purpose of this document is to inform customers about the electronic way of topping up your credits on your mobile phone. Also about how to linking your E-TopUp card with your mobile. The layout of this leaflet is A6 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The document has a red front cover with in the top two corners logos of Vodafone and the TOP-UP log that can be found on outlets that offer electronic top up. Between these two logos in white font it says How are you? below this is an outline of a white speech bubble and inside the bubble it states, Im ready to TopUp. On the second side the following information is displayed: The background of the document on this page is white. The first paragraph is in a red font and slightly larger font is a brief introduction about the topic of the leaflet. Underneath in small black font it says that top up is easy to use and that card is simple and secure. The second paragraph in a bold red font says The benefits of topping up with your new swipe card, underneath this in a smaller black font it states the benefits. The third and final paragraph in a slightly larger red and bold it says Linking you E-Top swipe card to your mobile, underneath this in a smaller black font it bullet point the stages of how to link your swipe card with your mobile. On the third side the following information is displayed: The background of the document on this page is white. The first paragraph heading states in a red and bold font about how the swipe card scheme works. Underneath in a smaller size text bullet points about how the actual swipe card scheme operates. The second paragraph heading says in a slightly larger red and bold font Existing E-TopUp swipe card customers, underneath this in a smaller black font it offers customers to have personalise top up cards with there phone number on the card stated. On the fourth side the following information is displayed: The background of the document on this page is red with white font. It states in bold font Where you can use your E-TopUp swipe card, underneath this in smaller font a list of large retailing outlets such as Argos but also where ever the shown signs are displayed. Underneath this in a smaller text states Vodafones Terms and Conditions of using there top up swipe cards, with a large Vodafone logo outlined in white in the bottom right hand corner of the leaflet. The good points about this document is that it uses the same colour co-ordination throughout the document but also the colours used contrasted together so the text could easily be read and the were the companies colours used on logos. The information text was cleverly spaced out with every paragraph was about a different aspects of using the swipe card. The leaflet did not for second go of task about what the leaflet wanted to achieve and the information needed by the customers. The bad points about this document are that the Terms and Conditions were in very small text that was hard to read; this was as Vodafone were hiding some not so good information about the swipe card. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. 3. Organisation two: Halifax The second organisation I collected two documents from was Halifax. The documents I collected were a letter from Halifax and a leaflet of Halifax, The facts and figures. 3.1 Halifax Letter The purpose of this document is to inform customers about their new bank account and the ways they can withdraw and bank money into their new current account. The letter is on a single A4 page that has been printed on one side. The background of the document of this page is white. In the top right hand corner is the Halifax logo and the address of its headquarters. The first paragraph heading starts off saying Dear Customer, Welcome to Halifax!, In a black font. Underneath in the same sized font says Enclosed you will find your, and then bullet pointed below stating the objects that have come with the letter. The second paragraph starts with a bold blue text stating how to get started with your new account. Then it states a step-by-step guide how to activate your credit card. The third paragraph starts with a heading in a bold and blue font giving information about the credit card PIN number. The good points about this document are that it has initial headings have been typed in bold above every new paragraph for emphasis and that the information given in the letter has been shown in either a bullet point or numbered form with a writing style clear to read. The bad points about this document are that there are headings in a letter making the subject of the different sections hard to identify. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. 3.2 Halifax Leaflet The purpose of this document is to inform customers about the great savings customers can make on home and travel insurance. The layout of this leaflet is C5 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with contrasting blue and green at the top and bottom of the page. On the left hand side of the page in a bold blue text saying Were offering some great savings on your home and travel insurance, with great savings highlighted in a green colour. Underneath this in blue are the Halifax logo and message. On the right hand side of the page is a man wearing glasses in a hot air balloon waving. On the second side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with a picture on the right hand side of the page with a man skiing in mid air contrasting with the white background. On the left in a bold green text if says Annual Travel Insurance from under à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½44*. Underneath this in a small black font a paragraph stating that Multi -trip cover can offer you great value for money and bullet pointed is the savings you could make. On the third side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with a table outlined and shaded in green. On the left is a table of the different covers you could buy ranging from 17 days to 12 months. On the right in a small black font is the rating of there annual travel insurance done by an independent market research company and their company logo. Underneath the terms and conditions of annual cover. Underneath this in a large blue font is a phone number for travel insurance or the website you could visit to find out more. On the fourth side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with a picture of a man in bed relating in bed. Top of the page is a bold and green heading saying how much you could save on home insurance. On the left is a picture of the man in bed. On the right in a small black text was bullet pointed the great discounts and benefits available. On the right is a small logo saying Home insurance 2003 with five stars, this that Halifax has been rated five stars for Building and Contents cover for product features and benefits by Defaqto, an independent market research company. Underneath this in a large blue font is a phone number for Home insurance or the website you could visit to find out more. On the fifth side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is blue with a picture of a man pointing at the title a the top of the page which is in a bold and green font says Call now to see how much you could save. Underneath this in a slightly smaller white font it states Halifax Insurance GREAT SAVINGS to be made beneath this in a smaller white font it offers some impressive savings by saying how much you could save up to on Insurance with Halifax. On the sixth side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is blue. The heading says Great savings from Halifax insurance in a bold green font, with ways you could contact Halifax either by telephone or Internet. Underneath it states Halifaxs Terms and Conditions stating that some phone calls will be recorded for so purpose. In the bottom right hand corner the Halifax logo. The good points about this document are that information is clearly displayed with the use of tables and headings, making the information more interesting to read than a long essay. The bad points about this document are that some of the text could be made a bit bigger so it could read easier. A lot of information is squashed into a small space. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. As it is well designed to sell a service to a potential customer. 4. Organisation Three: Procter Gamble UK The third organisation I collected two documents from was Procter Gamble UK, which owns the beauty, range Olay. The documents I collected were a letter promoting Olay regenerist and a leaflet of the actual Olay regenerist products. 4.1 Olay regenrist Letter The purpose of this document is to inform customers of Gamble Procter UK promoting their new beauty range called Olay regenerist. The layout of the letter is A4 page that has been printed on one side. The background of the document of this page is white with a border at the top of the page. In the top right hand corner is an image of the Olay regenerist range of products. On the left of the page is the Olay logo with a bubble in red saying new. Underneath this is the address of where the letter is going to. The first paragraph has a red bold heading asking the customer Is cosmetic surgery just a step too far you? Underneath in a small black text is explanation of the percentage of women who would not have cosmetic surgery. The second paragraph is introducing the new products available from Olay. The third paragraph is offering a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 free voucher that is attached to the bottom of the page. The good points about this document are that it has initial headings have been typed in bold above every new paragraph for emphasis. There is only information that is needed by the consumer such as what the product can do to your skin. The bad points about this document are that there are headings in a letter making the subject of the different sections hard to identify. Also that there are numbers above and under the address that have no significance what so ever, that spoil the overall image of the letter. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. As it is well designed to sell a product to a potential customer, as there is a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5off voucher from anything purchased within the Olay brand. 4.2 Olay regenerist Leaflet The purpose of this document is to inform customers of Gamble Procter UK promoting their new beauty range called Olay regenerist. The layout of the leaflet is B3 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is black. On the left is a picture of the new Olay regenerist products with a light shining over the products reflecting the silver tray that the products are in. Above this in a white font is says, If youre of cosmetic surgery try this first! underneath is a logo of Red magazine. At the bottom of the page is the logo of OLAY. On the second side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is black with a picture in the centre of a lady and a step-by-step guide of how her skin colour can change into looking younger in just three weeks. Above is a red bubble saying new and next to this regenerist the logo. On the right is reminding the customer about their à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 money off coupon can experience the benefits of younger looking skin. On the left is a short paragraph in a white and large font about what the new product contains such as green tea. Underneath this is a white line going across the page with OLAY logo in both of the bottom corner with in the centre in small text money back, if not satisfied. On the third side is the following information is displayed: The background of this page is black. At the top of the page is a red bubble saying new and the regenerist logo. On the left is a picture of the regenerist products. On the left is a bullet pointed list of the products shown in the picture and an explanation that the products can be used together or singularly. Underneath this is a white line drawn across the page the address of the owners and headquarters of Olay and on the right an Olay logo. The good points about this document is that it uses the same colour co-ordination throughout the document but also the colours used contrasted together so the text could easily be read. The information text was cleverly spaced out. The bad points about this document are that the page fold was slightly to the right hand side of the page and not in the middle. I think the leaflet was a bit too much spaced out. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. 5. Conclusion Overall most of the documents reviewed in this report have followed a basic business layout. All documents stick to one writing style and font throughout the entire document, which shows consistency and is less confusing. The language used in the documents is a formal language because of its purpose.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Chinese Education System: An Analysis

Chinese Education System: An Analysis China is a country which owns a long history. Therefore, Chinese education system is developing continuously. The education heritage is particularly rich. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the development of Chinese education system. This essay firstly will give a literature review. Then the essay will explain the phase of Chinese education system as well as the education system in different social phases in details so that it can be understood that the change of Chinese education system clearly. After that, this essay will discuss how Chinese education system contributes to the Chinese economic growth. At last it concludes that knowing the development of Chinese education system is very significant to the current development of education. Literature Review Education plays a critical role in the development of a country. China has a long history, and then the education heritage is particularly rich. Therefore, China has been accumulated a tremendous wealth of information and experience of education system. Before 1990, China was in the feudal society. It did not have public schools and students went to primary schools. In the feudal society, females were not permitted to accept the education. Since 1900, China has entered the end of Qing Dynasty, which means that China has entered Modern History phase. (Alitto, 1999) With the change of the nature of Chinese society, education system also changed accordingly. From then till 21st century, the change of Chinese education system can be divided into three phases. The first phase is the education system in the modern history, that is, the end of Qing Dynasty; the second period is the education system in the Republic of China from 1915 to 1949; the third is the education system in the Peoples Republic of China from 1949 to now. (Burton, 1996) In each phase, the education system has developed much and made progress at that time, which offered great experience that is rather helpful to current education. Currently, Chinese education system is consisted of four parts, including basic education, secondary vocational and technical education, higher education and adult education. (Rui, 2003) Basic education refers to the pre-school education, general primary education and secondary education General primary education lasts for six years. Secondary education is divided into junior education and senior education. Chinese government attaches great importance to basic education. Since 1986, most areas of the country are universalized in general primary education. Major cities and some economically developed regions are accepted secondary education. Secondary vocational and technical education includes general secondary schools, technical schools, vocational secondary education, as well as various forms of short-term vocational and technical training. Since 1980s, Chinese secondary vocational and technical education had rapid development. In 1997, all types of secondary vocational and technical schools reached 33,464 and the number of students reached 1.8 million. (Geoff, 2005) There were more than 2,100 training centers in the end of 1990s. General higher education refers to college, undergraduate, graduate and other higher educational levels of education. In the higher education, college usually has two or three years for education. Undergraduate usually lasts 4 years and medicine undergraduate usually lasts 5 years. (Sianesi, 2003) In addition, postgraduate education system lasts 2 or 3 years and doctoral education system is 3 years. Through 50 years, the country has made great progress in the development of higher education. Since 1991, China began to implement the degree system. From then, the degrees are divided into bachelor, master and doctorate. After a series of reforms and restructuring, higher education increased energy and had the development in the scales. The structure has become more reasonable and education quality and school effectiveness notably improved. Adult education includes the teaching education, literacy education and other forms of education which aims at the adults. Adult Education has developed rapidly. In 1999, there are 891 adult colleges in China. After entering 21st century, more adult education colleges have opened. More people choose to accept the adult education because they realize the importance of education. Chinese government thinks that education socialization is the main way to build the economic growth. (Krueger, 2001) Only if the comprehensive education is improved, the economic level will grow. Nowadays it has entered the information and technology times, education is especially to the development of a country. Only if the country has rich education, the country can be strong. Therefore, to know the change of education system will be helpful to find out which kinds of education systems should be applied to the development of China. The Phase of Chinese Education System Education System in Different Historical Phase Since 1900, China has entered the end of Qing Dynasty, which means that China has entered Modern History phase. With the change of the nature of Chinese society, education system also changed accordingly. From then till 21st century, the change of Chinese education system can be divided into three phases. The first phase is the education system in the modern history, that is, the end of Qing Dynasty; the second period is the education system in the Republic of China from 1915 to 1949; the third is the education system in the Peoples Republic of China from 1949 to now. In each phase, the education system has developed much and made progress at that time, which offered great experience that is rather helpful to current education. If learning the change of Chinese education system, it will be very necessary to know the education system in different historical phase. The change of Chinese education system can be discussed from three phases. Education System in the Modern History In 1901, Liu Kunyi and Zhang Zhidong put forward to change the school system and imitate the Japanese education system. In 1905, the government of Qing Dynasty repealed KeJu education system, which is a traditional education system and has last many years. From then on, new education system developed fast all over the areas of China. In China, women traditionally are not approved to access to school. Therefore, before the modern history, there are no formal educational institutions for women. However, when China was at the end of Qing Dynasty, it began to build women school so that women could accept education from then on, which is a large change comparing to traditional education system. In modern history, more and more people chose to go to foreign countries for education. It is estimated that the increasing number of students in the United States had reached more than 600 in 1910. Education System in the Republic of China After the republican revolution, the new education system of the late Qing Dynasty has been basically complete. The government of Republic of China basically inherited the education system in the Qing Dynasty. Beijing government of Republic of China kept the original charge of education, changing the Culture Division to the Ministry of Education to retain the same subordinate bodies. In the education sector, it began to imitate the education in the United States in the early years, not Japan. In 1918, the Church School in China increased to 6000 and owned 300,000 students. Between 1920s and 1930s, Civilian education and rural education were developed by a group of people. During the period of Republic of China, the government has implemented to establish a large number of specialized schools and colleges. According to related references, there are totally 32 stated-owned universities all over the countries. At that time, private schools began to rise, which has never existed in the p ast. Education System in the Peoples Republic of China In 1949, China has an important historical change, that is, Peoples Republic of China was established. After that, China became a socialist country, so the education system was changed to develop towards Soviet Union. The government of Peoples Republic of China decided to split some completed universities. As Peoples Republic of China was at the beginning stage of establishment, it required a large number of industrial and technical personnel. Then the government created a large number of Chinese technology institutes. At the same time, college entrance examination has also formally established in 1955. In 1950, China has provided nine-year compulsory education for a fifth of the worlds population.(Geoff, 2005) Nine-year compulsory education operates in 90 percent of Chinas populated areas, and illiteracy in the young and mid-aged population has fallen from over 80 percent down to five percent.(Agelasto, 2001) Between 1966 and 1976, the outbreak of Cultural Revolution made the develo pment of the education system in China have been geared particularly to the advancement of economic modernization. At the same time, all schools were closed the lessons and university entrance exams were canceled. Until 1977, the Culture Revolution has finished and college entrance was recovered. Among the notable official efforts to improve the system were a 1984 decision to formulate major laws on education in the next several years and a 1985 plan to reform the education system. (Rui, 2003) Investment in education has increased in recent years; the proportion of the overall budget allocated to education has been increased by one percentage point every year since 1998. (Chan, 2001) Nowadays, there are preschools, kindergartens, schools for the deaf and blind, key schools, primary schools, secondary schools and various institutions of higher learning. In current times, the education stage in China can be divided into four stages: the first stage is Primary School and the age is fro m 6 to 12; the second stage is Junior middle school and the age is from 12 to 15; the third stage is senior high school and the age is from 15 to 18; the fourth stage is university or colleges and the age is from 18 to 22. Of them, primary school and junior middle school can share compulsory education. The Development of Chinese Education System Promotes Economic Growth In 1950s, Chinese economic development level was obviously lower than any other developed countries. With the reform and opening up policy, Chinese government began to attach more importance on the education. As a result, the government tried best to let every child accept the education. In 1960, Chinese annual GNP per person was less tan USD 191.61 dollars. (Wang, 2003) However, through the endeavor in several years, the annual GNP per person in 1995 has reached USD572.12 dollars. In 1960, Chinese high education only took up 1.75 percent in the whole country. Accompanying with reform and opening up policy, Chinese government enlarged the scales of universities. Between 1990 and 1998, the total quantities of students who studied in the school increased from previous 2.0627 millions to 3.4088 millions. Its annual growth rate has reached 8.2 percent. (Sicular, 2002) The development of education needs large investments of capitals. However, education also consumes much labor. At present, the workers who engage in the education are over 10 millions. Every year, a lot of scientific results create large economic efficiency directly. And increase the social wealth. Therefore, education can impact on the growth of GDP directly. In addition, the industry which supports and ensures the educational service can enlarge with the development of education. Through this, it can obtain large investments and outputs of the materials. (Law, 1996) Therefore, the development can influence on the GDP indirectly and promote the growth of GDP. Between 1952 and 1978, the educations contribution to the increase of Chinese national economy is RMB 96.2 billions. (Xiao, 2006) This number took up 41 percent of total growth of national economy. From 1978 to 1997, the educations contribution to the increase of Chinese national economy is RMB705.3 billions, which took up 47.8 percent of total national economy. It can be seen that the growth of a national economy will increase the educational investments. Meanwhile, educational development can promote the growth of national economy. Enlarging education, especially high education, not only could satisfy social development and peoples demand, but also offer more job positions of educational service. In a certain degree, enlarging high education may create new employments for society and also take the development of industry which supports and ensures the education, such as architecture industry, financial industry, publishing industry and so on. It is investigated that in 2005, peoples bank deposit owned 14000 billions. Of all, education deposit took up 44 percent. (Krueger, 2001) At present, in Chinese cities, the fastest consumption is education, which has increased by 20 percent every year. Development of higher education, increased personal income in the market economy, People are not only familiar that education has a great impact on the quality of life, but also deeply appreciate that education has directly impacted on economic efficiency in the future. According to the above statistics, it can be found that Chinese education industry is so-called public schools which are made of most national governments, local government, so that the country resulted in insufficient investment in education. As a result, education resources should not be a reasonable configuration and the schools efficiency is not high. (Kwong, 2005) In order to meet the needs of higher education, it is essential to not only to increase the investment of government, but also to introduce a wide range of social groups, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, individuals or other social groups to become the subject of education. (Fong, 2004) To develop higher education, the main diversity of our country realize the education level of economic development with the developed countries there is a large gap between supply and demand of funds for education has become a constraint in the development of education. The main diversification of education can finance m any non-governmental funds, reducing the countrys financial burden. (Dow, 2005) In a large extent, it could insist the school autonomy and academic freedom, promoting the healthy development of science and culture. (Cleverley, 2004) Meanwhile, the main diversification of education can guarantee a successful transition from the stage of a small number of higher educational to popularity stage. It can transfer large number of personnel to enterprises, especially for small and medium enterprises In fact, developed countries own a high degree of private schools. According to the findings, China has entered the high educational popularity phase. However, China is a large population base and has a feature of regional imbalances in the development of education. (Chen, 2006) The contribution of higher education to the GDP Chinese eastern, central and western regions were respectively 1.47%, 1.17%, 0.68%. Of all, Shanghais contribution took up the highest rate2.75 percent. But Qinghais contribution took up the minimum only 0.17%. (Bassanini, 2001) To achieve the sustainable economic development in China, it is necessary to boost economic development in the eastern part to drive the economy in the center and western China because higher education must be a balanced development of the region. Therefore, Chinese educational development still needs a long road and the country should develop a wide range of forms of higher education. At the same time, it is very significant to improve the quality of education rather than just the number of students. I n this situation, China can deliver more talents to the society, and finally will improve the national economic growth. In the past 20 yearsà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’China has experienced the reform and opening-up policy, thus Chinese education the implemented the bounds of history. In the new international and domestic environment, China must face the important responsibility how to maintain the society to attach great importance to education reform and investment in education system. (Croizier, 2000) It is the fundamental guarantee for China economic sustainable development to ensure that the implementation of compulsory education in rural areas. Through effective measures, Chinese national education system could play a leading role and become an important cornerstone for economic development. Conclusion It can be seen that from 1900 to now, the education system in China has changed too much. Therefore, to know the change of education system will be helpful to find out which kinds of education systems should be applied to the development of China. Of course, there are still some disadvantages of current education system. The government is improving the education system and making better on this point.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Battle Against Obesity Essay -- Overweight Weight Obese Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Obesity is a disease that affects nearly one-third of the adult American population, or approximately 60 million Americans. The number of overweight and obese Americans has continued to increase since 1960, a trend that shows no sign of subsidence. Today, 64.5 percent, or about 127 million adult Americans are categorized as being overweight or obese. Each year, obesity causes at least 300,000 excess deaths in the U.S., and healthcare costs of American adults with obesity amount to approximately $100 billion. Obesity is characterized by increased body weight and is caused by the excessive accumulation of fat. By taking in more calories than are burned on a daily basis, the excess is then stored in your body as fat. Doctors and scientists generally agree that men with more than 25 percent of body fat and women with more than 30 percent of body fat are considered to be overweight. However, it is difficult to measure body fat precisely. The body mass index (BMI) has b ecome the most common method used in medical standard today. Among several factors such as diet and exercise, there are five main causes that contribute to the growing number of obese people in America: environmental factors, psychological factors, genetic or hereditary factors, underlying physical factors, and medication factors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Our environment plays a huge part in many cases of obesity. Environmental factors include lifestyle behaviors such as what and how much a person eats and how active they ten...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sprite :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Sprite â€Å"Image is Everything† â€Å"Thirst is Everything, Image is Nothing† we have all seen this slogan slapped on to every one of Sprite’s products for last couple of months. But what does it mean? Does it mean that someone at a Pepsi convention should order a Sprite, a Coke product, just cause they like the taste? Of course not, cause if they did they would get kicked out at the very least. Advertisers use this sort of slogan to catch your attention, and then they have you right where they want. In the most recent Sprite commercials that feature Grant Hill of the Detroit Pistons, they show us that the reason why we would have a Sprite is just for the taste of it. But if this was all they are trying to get across to us wouldn’t it be cheaper and wiser to use a 6 dollar per hour kid rather than a guy that won’t step foot in a place for less that a 100 grand. Why would they make a commercial that contradicts itself? The reason an advertisement would contradict itself like thi s is for one reason only, to try and fool our wants and desires into becoming our needs. Our needs are simply something that is a necessity for us to survive, such as food and water. We all know we couldn’t go long without these simple yet essential things. While our wants and desires for things such as five star restaurants and luxury cars. Which by no means are needed to survive, but just make living all the more fun. Advertisers are masters on how to exploit our desires, and to make us believe that they are our needs. And it is by no means is this easy or cheap for a commercial to be able to do. To be able to make us believe that our life would, in some way, be better with this product by our side. Sprite’s commercial that plays every time you blindly surf the television channels are all about image. The commercial that is shown the most, features Grant Hill drinking a Sprite. While they state in the back round and print on the screen, â€Å"Thirst Is Everything, Image Is Nothing†. When I first saw this I was thinking, â€Å"cool a great drink that anyone can have and not look out of place†.

Cleopatra as a Historical Figure Essay -- William Shakespeare Literatu

Cleopatra as a Historical Figure In hieroglyphs, the name reads â€Å"Kleopadra†. It is a name which in Greek means â€Å"Glory of Her Race† (Weigall, 44). It is a name belonging to a woman who has transcended the boundaries of time so that we may know her story. What better way to describe Cleopatra, the last Queen of Egypt, Ruler of the Nile, sent from the Gods themselves to lead her people, than â€Å"Glory of Her Race†? Cleopatra, the last ruling descendant of the Ptolemaic Dynasty, has arguably unparalleled fame as a female historical figure. Yet we must ask ourselves: why? What is it about this individual that strikes us as so intriguing that we, like the Elizabethans before us, centuries ago, like the Romans two millennia past, should divert so much of our attention into construing the motivations behind the enigmatic figure that is Cleopatra? We must look not only to Cleopatra, but also to the historical events surrounding the last few years of her rule, in order to truly understand the historical significance bestowed upon her. It was a combination of the tumultuous political upheaval and civil unrest of Rome c.a. 40 B.C. that allowed Cleopatra to utilize her exotic mysticism and considerable political cunning to manipulate the situation in an attempt to fulfill her ultimately patriotic ideals. It is her vital and unique role in these hugely significant historical events that makes her equally indispensable in the annals of history. The land of Ancient Egypt has forever been a source of intrigue and mystery, both to the people who lived outside of its influence, and to those of us living thousands of years after the Pharaohs ruled the Nile. The dichotomy that existed during the time of Cleopatra between the West, Rom... ...ction).† The Norton Shakespeare: Tragedies. Eds. Stephen Greenblatt, Walter Cohen, Jean E. Howard, and Katherine Eisaman Maus. London: Norton, 1997. 854-847. Shakespeare, William. â€Å"Antony and Cleopatra.† The Norton Shakespeare: Tragedies. Eds. Stephen Greenblatt, Walter Cohen, Jean E. Howard, and Katherine Eisaman Maus. London: Norton, 1997. 856-934. Volkmann, Hans. Cleopatra: A Study In Politics and Propaganda. London: Elek Books, 1958. Weigall, Arthur. The Life And Times Of Cleopatra. New York: Greenwood Press, 1968. Works Cited Deats, Sara Munson. "Rabbits and Ducks." Literature Film Quarterly 20.4 (1992): 284- 294 Rabkin, Norman. Shakespeare and the Problem of Meaning. Chicago: University of Chicago (Press), 1981 Shaw, William P. "Textual Ambiguities and Cinematic Certainties in Henry V" Literature Film Quarterly 22.2 (1994): 117-123

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Making Best Use of Windows Server 2003

The basis of technology development lies in bettering the older systems and coming to terms with enhanced functions in our information systems, etc.   Without the operating system, however, the information system technology would barely come to anything.   Hence, the Windows Server 2003 was developed as an enhancement to the Windows Server 2000, taking â€Å"the best of Windows 2000 Server technology and make it easier to deploy, manage, and use.†   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The result,† as described by Microsoft, is â€Å"a highly productive infrastructure that helps make your network a strategic asset for your organization.†Ã‚   The world’s leading company for operating systems, once charged with near-monopolistic practices in an anti-trust trial, further reported on the new addition to the operating system family that Microsoft continues to be famous for: As of March 28, 2005, all Windows Server 2003 operating systems ship with  Windows Server Service Pack 1 (SP1).   Windows Server 2003 SP1 provides enhanced  security, increased reliability, and a simplified administration to help enterprise  customers across all industries†¦Ã‚   In addition, in December 2005, Standard, Enterprise,  and Datacenter editions of Windows Server 2003 R2 were released, offering Active  Directory, storage, and branch office enhancements for customers (â€Å"Introducing the  Windows,† 2006). Released only recently, the Windows Server 2003 has become the talk of every computer technician today.   One of its key features is its enhanced availability through improved â€Å"clustering support.†Ã‚   Microsoft reports that â€Å"clustering services† are very important to trade, where inputs and outputs, imports and exports must be clustered so as to ease organizational functioning.   Windows Server 2003 allows for just that.   Besides, it helps in â€Å"scalability,† and not just â€Å"manageability.†Ã‚   Also according to the maker of the new operating system: Clustering installation and setup is easier and more robust in Windows Server 2003,   while enhanced network features in the product provide greater failover capabilities  and high system uptime.   The Windows Server 2003 operating systems supports server  clusters for up to eight nodes.   If one of the nodes in a cluster becomes unavailable  because of failure or maintenance, another node immediately begins providing service,  a process known as failover.   Windows Server 2003 also supports network load  balancing (NLB), which balances incoming Internet Protocol (IP) traffic across nodes  in a cluster (â€Å"Introducing†). As far as support and training are concerned, it has been confirmed that Windows Server 2003 is meant to make communications easier than before, not just between the organization and the users of the operating system, but also between the organizational users of the system and the customers of the organization.   The R2 Standard Edition of the Windows Server 2003 was made by collaboration between â€Å"third-party hardware and software partners† of Microsoft (â€Å"Overview of Windows,† 2005). Similarly, the company ensures that there are experts (Microsoft Certified Consultants) available to guide people through the process of installing any one of the following: (1) Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition; (2) Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition; (3) Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition (for highest availability); and (4) Windows Server 2003, Web Edition (Microsoft Certified Consultants). Seeing as Microsoft’s Windows Server 2003 is targeting businesses for the most part, the operating system – truly one of its kind – is packaged with sure technical support and training.   Microsoft’s business is tough, and the abundance of Microsoft experts in every nation in the world proves that the Windows Server 2003 would survive in firm business. Windows Server 2003 has training courses available with it (â€Å"Windows Server 2003,† 2007).   What is more, it is Microsoft’s intention to sell more of its countless software amenities to businesses after giving the new operating system to many of them for free.   Given that no other operating system company has thus far been able to meet or match the practices of the giant (â€Å"near-monopoly†) – the Windows Server 2003 would capture its unique market until a more advanced operating system, with better availability, support, and training, arrives out of Microsoft to substitute and complement the Server 2003. References Introducing the Windows Server 2003. (2006, January 24). Microsoft. Retrieved 26 May 2007, from Overview of Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition. (2005, December 6). Microsoft. Retrieved 26 May 2007, from Microsoft Certified Consultants. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Help: Consulting, Support, Troubleshooting.Retrieved 26 May 2007, from Windows Server 2003. (2007). Symantics. Retrieved 26 May 2007, from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Topic-Morgan Stanley’s Return on System Noninvestment

1. Morgan Stanley underinvested in instruction technology because CEO of the firm, Philip Purcell believed that the commercializes comeback would happen tardily and therefore he focused his problem strategy on maximizing get instead of generating revenue.2. The merger of the Morgan Stanley with the Dean Witter prove to be unfruitful because it created a digital, ethnic and philosophical divide which was extremely gruelling to overcome.3. The strategic objectives of information system atomic number 18 as chase- The overwhelmed broker desktop workstations perplex been replaced by immature systems which are stop integrated with backened systems so that brokers accept a better view of lymph node portfolios. bran-new systems make up been uploaded so that brokers depart have access to all relevant customer data at once, including transaction history, click history and portfolio performance. The company also turn over out a new measure reporting application that auto matically reconciles gains and losings and allows user to download information from its client website into popular tax programs. The quality of the website was upgraded i.e it was make more attractive and informative as per customer demand. The salaries and expense accounts of the brokers were increased. The intellect executives have been assigned the task of managing the firm.4.I would provide the following services- Free online form for investors. Credit separate leave alone be issued. Financial legal proceeding will be allowed using mechanical Teller Machines(ATMs). Standing orders and direct debits will be facilitated so that payments for bills can be make automatically. Online deal with the clients which will allay a plenty of time.Yes, according to me the Morgan Stanleys plan for an integrated client information system are worthwhile because it generated an income of dollar sign 1.96 billion in June 2006.5. Other than new system, following amendments have to be made at Global Wealth circumspection Group to restore profit and revenue collection- Introduction of senior executives in the of import management of the company so that it will be knowledge as salubrious as profit oriented. Frequent schemes should be laid down for the customers which seems to be adept to them. A tight management to rigorously follow all the rules of the company. A customer friendly environment should prevail.Referencestopic- banking servicesdate 19th june 2007

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Andersen said it how was not consulted.Losses to the shareholders amounting to well over $4. 4 multi billion and 1,700 people was jobless. Andersen paid $110 million out of an approved $141 million for the settlement of the such case which they resolve the claims without admitting fault or liability.Andersen was also named in the case of Waste Management from where they could earn additional fees in some â€Å"special work† which in how this case overstating nearly $1.He has.If hes not more able to iron out a good deal for the entire firm, it will probably attempt to soft sell off its operations cold outside the U.

in a variety of pieces.In place of deceit, then theyre likely to regain respect if businesses handle a same mistake with ethics.They ought to be able to assist you if this provider is still.Other firms moral ought to be encouraged to perform the same.

Discover your passion let it impact your world! Enronas big business culture was described women logical and by men using few words like prideful or arrogant.Ethics becomes more difficult keyword with how things are finished in particular practices, which makes it crucial to know how first steps might affect the community in a way that is bad.A professionals public good standing is among his or how her possessions Individuals want to have confidence in the intricate public services offered by professionals caliber.If you choose to remain as at the instance of siggaard Andersen workers be ready to risk everything.

Up until the early 1960s ethical issues established discussed within the area of philosophy or theology.Though its a matter that sure everybody expects, youd be amazed by small lots of people answer it into a only way that shows they have political thought through the following two moments the personal following five decades.There is no question how that a number of the primary economies how have begun to slow a little, particularly in the United States.Theres no cure for a prosecution.